Renowned financial author, Robert Kiyosaki, has issued a dire warning about an impending global market collapse. In a series of social media posts, Kiyosaki predicted a significant downturn in the stock market, coupled with a dramatic decline in precious metals and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Kiyosaki, best known for his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” believes that the years of excessive monetary stimulus have created a “Everything Bubble” that is poised to burst. This collapse, he warns, could trigger a global depression.

Bitcoin’s Volatile Future
According to Kiyosaki, Bitcoin could experience a steep decline, potentially dropping to as low as $5,000. However, he also foresees a potential rebound to much higher levels, potentially reaching $100,000 or more.

Preparing for the Storm
While the outlook may seem bleak, Kiyosaki believes that those who are prepared can weather the storm and emerge financially stronger. He encourages investors to educate themselves, join investment clubs, and be ready to capitalize on bargain-basement prices that may follow the crash.

A Call to Action
Kiyosaki’s message is clear: the time to prepare is now. He urges investors to be patient, network with like-minded individuals, and avoid negative influences. By taking these steps, Kiyosaki believes that investors can position themselves to not only survive the impending market crash but also to thrive in its aftermath.

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