U.S. intelligence officials say that Russia, Iran, and China are using artificial intelligence (AI) to influence American opinions before the November elections. Russia, in particular, is targeting Vice President Kamala Harris.

According to the Washington Post, Russia is creating fake videos and spreading false stories, including a viral clip where an actress wrongly claims Harris was involved in a hit-and-run accident.

Recent investigations found that Russia put $10 million into a Tennessee media company to support right-wing influencers who promote pro-Russian ideas, like opposing U.S. aid to Ukraine. Although these influencers haven’t been charged with any crimes, many didn’t know about the company’s connections to Russia.

Iran and China are also spreading misinformation. Iran is using AI to make fake news articles in both English and Spanish, taking advantage of divisions over the Gaza conflict. China is focusing on social issues like drug use and immigration to influence how people see certain candidates.

U.S. officials stressed that while AI helps these influencers efforts, it isn’t changing them dramatically. For a bigger impact, these countries would need to find ways around restrictions on AI or create their own systems.

The U.S. government is watching these activities closely and working with tech companies to tackle the threats from foreign interference.

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