The Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher code for today is “260924” Enter the code using the Morse sheet given below and earn up to 1 million coins.

▬ Long Tap

● Short Tap

Today’s morse code is: THRILL

T: —

H: • • • •

R: • — •

I: • •

L: • — • •

L: • — • •

Morse code sheet for quick reference

LetterMorse CodeTips
A• —Dot, Dash
B— • • •Dash, Dot, Dot, Dot
C— • — •Dash, Dot, Dash, Dot
D— • •Dash, Dot, Dot
F• • — •Dot, Dot, Dash, Dot
G— — •Dash, Dash, Dot
H• • • •Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot
I• •Dot, Dot
J• — — —Dot, Dash, Dash, Dash
K— • —Dash, Dot, Dash
L• — • •Dot, Dash, Dot, Dot
M— —Dash, Dash
N— •Dash, Dot
O— — —Dash, Dash, Dash
P• — — •Dot, Dash, Dash, Dot
Q— — • —Dash, Dash, Dot, Dash
R• — •Dot, Dash, Dot
S• • •Dot, Dot, Dot
U• • —Dot, Dot, Dash
V• • • —Dot, Dot, Dot, Dash
W• — —Dot, Dash, Dash
X— • • —Dash, Dot, Dot, Dash
Y— • — —Dash, Dot, Dash, Dash
Z— — • •Dash, Dash, Dot, Dot

To solve today’s cipher:

  • Tap once for a dot (•).
  • Tap and hold for a dash (—).
  • Wait at least 1.5 seconds between each letter sequence to ensure proper registration in the game.

How to activate Daily Cipher Mode?

To activate the Daily Cipher mode, simply go to the “Exchange” tab and press the “Daily Cipher” button. Once activated, enter the daily Morse code using the following tapping patterns:

  • Dash / Long (— or – ): Hold a long tap for 3 seconds.
  • Dot / Short (. or • ): Perform a quick tap without holding your finger on the screen.

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