On August 12, Amir Taaki, a leading developer of the Bitcoin protocol, announced the creation of the world’s first fully anonymous on-chain decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). In a post on X, Taaki revealed that this new DAO is designed to operate entirely out of sight on the blockchain, aiming to “defend freedom.”

According to Taaki, this particular DAO does not have any identifiable features and is entirely anonymous. This includes the DAO itself, its treasury, and all transactions, membership, and voting processes that occur within the DAO.

The DAO can have smart contracts that can perform actions such as transferring of funds without the necessity of disclosing the information on the treasury or the identity of the recipient.

Taaki, who has previously written on similar topics, argues that anonymous DAOs should protect against tyrannical governments. He claims that while DAOs were once seen as a new way to organize communities and generate wealth, the model has not been fully developed.

According to Taaki, the existing internet and technology environment is based on the principle of surveillance and data collection, which contradicts privacy. The DAO founded by Taaki is an anonymous one that has the goal to provide free, censorship-free and self-governed internet space.

Currently, Taaki is working with DarkFi, a team that aims to create anonymous tools for online organizations to advance the concept of privacy in the crypto ecosystem.

Independent commentator Nick Almond, the CEO of Factory Labs and the founder of Factory DAO, was also positive about the new DAO on X, stating that it is “cypherpunk AF” and revolutionizes the existing theories on DAOs. Taaki considers it as the new paradigm for DAOs and how they can be designed and managed.

DAOs also experience leadership issues like the lack of clear roles and responsibilities and centralization, which have been seen in numerous DeFi projects. The issues of privacy and decentralization are some of the challenges that Taaki’s anonymous DAO seeks to solve in the world of cryptocurrencies.

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