Launching a scathing attack on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chair Gary Gensler, former U.S. President Donald Trump said that he will fire him on the very first day of his administration, at the Bitcoin 2024 Nashville conference on Saturday.

“On Day 1, I will fire Gary Gensler,” said Trump as the 20,000 plus crowd went berserk at the Nashville conference.

“Whoa, I didn’t know he was that unpopular. Let me say it again, on day 1, I will fire Gary Gensler. I will appoint a new SEC chairman who believes that America should build the future and not block the future,” said Trump.

Using the platform, Trump also criticized Joe Biden and Kamala Harris led U.S. administration, claiming that they have launched a “crusade” against crypto.

“She (Kamala) is against all gotta get out and vote. These totalitarians are hell bent on crushing crypto, you have the SEC, they are obliterating Bitcoin..because Bitcoin stands for freedom and sovereignty against government repression,” said Trump.

He also assured crypto lovers that he will fight for Bitcoin jobs and businesses against the unclear existing laws and regulations. Additionally, Trump made it clear that there would be no central bank digital currency (CBDC) while he is president.

“The day I take oath of office, Joe Biden-Kamala Harris anti crypto crusade comes to an end, it will be done. The moment I am sworn-in, the persecution stops and the weaponization ends against your industry,” said Trump.

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