Bitcoin is the “Godzilla” to Destroy Old Financial Models – Michael Saylor
At a Bitcoin event in Prague, Michael Saylor, the CEO of MicroStrategy and Bitcoin supporter, gave a fierce warning about the crypto’s disruptive power. Saylor boldly stated that Bitcoin is the “Godzilla” of finance, an unstoppable monster that will demolish traditional money systems.

“All your models will be destroyed, your political models, everything we learned over 10,000 years,” Saylor said.

He compared today’s finance experts to medieval warriors, no match for a technologically superior enemy. To Saylor, Bitcoin is that advanced, overwhelming force that makes old models obsolete.

Michael Saylor has been one of crypto’s biggest voices. He urged investors to calmly accumulate Bitcoin rather than waiting for the perfect time to buy. Saylor also cautioned against big, risky bets while promoting Bitcoin’s advantages.

Saylor insisted fully understanding Bitcoin’s innovative nature shows its power to upend legacy finance as we know it. He likened Bitcoin’s transformative impact to a virtually indestructible force of nature.

Recently, Saylor used an AI image of a Bitcoin bee swarm, telling followers: “Join the Swarm.” His imagery seemed to signal Bitcoin’s growing mainstream momentum.

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